5 year warranty at Monsieur Chaussure

The offer
Thanks to these rigorous methods, we can ensure that the shoemaking work is carried out perfectly and that the shoes will last for a long time.
To identify these shoes and only after the customer's agreement, we affix a Mr Shoe stamp on the sole in front of the heel. This mark is unique and allows our shoemakers to identify an eligible shoe from the Monsieur Chaussure workshops.
Any pair with this mark can be repaired free of charge and as many times as necessary in a Monsieur Chaussure shoe repair shop if one of our repairs deteriorates without any relation to the normal wear of the shoe.
Example A: if a shoe comes off prematurely without any link with the normal wear of the shoe, we will do the whole service again (new shoe).
Example B: if a seam loosens after resealing without any link with the normal wear of the shoe, we will completely reseal the shoe.
To benefit from this guarantee, two rules must be respected:
- the shoe must be marked with the Mr Shoe hallmark
- the shoe must not have been repaired by another shoemaker
This new marking ensures you a 5 year guarantee on the main services of Monsieur Chaussure.
Taking care of your shoes is a pleasure and we will continue to improve our services to ensure that this continues.