Precautions for use: the dye is never applied alone on the leather, it is always diluted in a coloured dye.
On leather that has been cleaned beforehand with a scraper to remove dust and a milk to remove stubborn stains, you can use the stripper to remove the old patina of your shoe in depth. To apply the color remover, use a lightly soaked polishing cloth on the entire shoe. Allow a few minutes to dry between each application to allow the product to take effect.
To obtain the new patina, you need to mix a coloured dye and a lightening dye code in a container. The more lightener you add, the lighter the new stain will be. We advise you to test a piece of paper to find the ideal shade for you. Once you have found the desired colour, you can spread the mixture thinly over the entire shoe. Repeat the process several times to achieve an even finish. As soon as you like the new patina, you should apply a colourless cream to intensely nourish the leather and prevent cracking. You can also make it shiny with a yellow shoe polish to enhance the shades of the patina.
Close the bottle of lightening dye after use and store it in a dry place.
We collected nearly 1 reviews from verified buyers.
A perfect product for obtaining light shades while skating your shoes. To mix with the other colors. (Of course, you will never get a color lighter than the original leather.)
Saphir Colour Lightening Shoe Dye 500ml.
For more information on the use of this product you can consult the associated tutorials